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Supporting Local Charity Mind in the Waendel Walk

Supporting Local Charity Mind in the Waendel Walk

We’re excited to be taking part in the 10k Waendel Walk this year to support local charity, Wellingborough Mind.

Waendel Walk

On Friday 10th May, the MH office peeps will be taking part in the 10k Waendel Walk for a third successive year.

Looking to get involved? More information is below:

  • Starts at 6pm at The Castle Theatre in Wellingborough
  • The date for your diary: Friday, May 10th
  • Only £1 to take part
  • Donations can be made on our JustGiving page

Our new charity committee

Mind are one of two charities we’re supporting this year, along with Animals in Need – chosen by our newly formed charity committee.

Speaking with Siobhan about starting the Marler Haley charity committee:

“We simply want to plan fun and exciting events where everyone can join in to raise awareness and money at the same time for our chosen charities.”

How Mind and Animals in Need were chosen:

“I put a vote out to the team and asked them to choose the charities they would most like to support.

“Mind won this vote as it clearly means a lot to some people. Mental health affects all of us without a doubt and every year one in four of us will experience a mental health problem. This is where Mind step in to offer the best support and advice and fight your corner.

“We have also chosen to raise money for Animals in Need who are a local voluntary organisation dedicated to rescuing sick, injured, trapped and distressed wild and domestic animals.

“Again, something that means a lot to the team as most of us have a furry companion. We will also be donating some display equipment to Animals in Need to help them promote themselves at charity events.”

Plans for the future

There are a few different plans in place and we are kick starting them with the Waendel Walk in May.

We will be setting up a tuck shop in the office in the near future and organising monthly charity office lunches – where the profit made will be split evenly between our two chosen charities. Our charity lunches are also made as plastic free as possible!

Our most exciting event of the year we have planned will be our Outdoor Family Fun Day. This will be taking place in the Summer and the day will consist of fun events and activities including: a BBQ, football match, cake sale and much more! Keep an eye out on our Facebook or Twitter pages to hear more soon.

Do you have any fun fundraising ideas you’d like to see us do? Let us know in the comments below.

See how else we support charities on our charity displays page.

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