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How to behave on an exhibition stand

How to behave on an exhibition stand

Do you know how to behave on an exhibition stand? Of course, we all know that we should mind our P’s and Q’s, but how should you behave to make sure you have a fantastic exhibition that gives you a return on investment? Here are our 5 top tips for how to behave at your next exhibition.
How to Behave on a Exhibition Stand

1. Stand at the front of your display

Standing at the front of your exhibition stand allows you to give visitors a smile and a greeting.How to behave on stand stand at the front

This is a very simple technique to use but can have a big impact. In a busy hall where visitor’s eyes will be passing from stand-to-stand, being at the front of your display and offering a greeting can focus their attention on your stand and give them that split second to decide if they want to talk to you.

It’s then easier to guide people onto your stand when at the front – you can’t expect people to simply browse your display, or want to pass over the threshold to meet you at the back of the stand if they want to talk to you. Remember, make it as simple as you can for a visitor to turn into a potential lead!

2. Do not use your mobile on-standmy eyes are up here not in your phone

I cannot stress this enough. It is so off putting when somebody is using their mobile on a stand. It pretty much says “don’t come near me, I’m busy” or the far worse “I don’t want to be here, I’m bored”. You could simply be checking an email from your team back in the office… but if you need to do this it’s best to leave the stand. For visitors, it looks unprofessional and the reputation of your business could be at risk from that split second decision to check your phone.

Ban mobiles on your stand and save them for break time… after all, you’re there to talk to people, not to play Candy Crush Saga.

3. Do not eat or drink on-standsay it don't spray it

“I’ll just quickly eat my breakfast and drink my coffee on-stand…” Aside from the debris, drinking and eating on your stand can look unprofessional.

For starters, if somebody tries to come up to you to talk, you’ll either have stagnant coffee breath (yikes) or be spraying them with a light mist of whatever it is you’ve just eaten. Need I say more?


4. Don’t sit downsitting is for losers stand up

Standing lets visitors know you’re ready for action. You’re ready to talk to them. Sitting on the other hand says that you’re tired. You may be on a break. You’re unapproachable.

Standing allows you to look approachable and be in eye-line of visitors to attract their attention. Be ready for them and stand to attention!


5. Be nice!it costs nothing to be nice

Let’s face it. Not everybody is going to want your product or service. But even less are going to want to work with you if you’re being pushy.

It may get you the odd sale, but it won’t generate long-lasting relationships. Be approachable – a simple hello, or “Hi, do you use [insert service here]?” Is a simple enough opener. It’s then up to the visitor to show interest to allow you to continue. Being positive and approachable allows visitors to think “Yeah, I could work with those guys” and can help to influence their decision.

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