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The Ultimate Staff Guide for Events

The Ultimate Staff Guide for Events

You can have the largest, priciest and most engaging exhibition stand, but if your team doesn’t cut the mustard your event is inevitably going to fail.

Do you feel unprepared and ill-equipped? What if we said there’s an ultimate staff guide to get you and your team sorted for your next event?

Don’t go anywhere. Below, we’ve created all the best tips and steps to follow to create and perform with the best team possible. It is possible! Read on to find out more.

Staff guide for events

Who to pick for your stand

The first thing you need to consider is who is going to be on your stand. These people will be your brand advocates and the first people that prospective customers are going to meet.

Personality is key - too quiet, and you’ll never make the sale. Too aggressive, and you’ll scare potential customers away. This is just the start. Think about who works well together and what experience do they have?

We go into more detail about choosing the best team.

Dress code

So, you’ve picked your team of brand advocates. You now need to decide what they are going to wear. Before your team have even had a chance to speak, potential customers will be making judgement calls on your staff and brand based on what they wear.

There are lots of different approaches... does your team show their personality or wear a uniform to co-ordinate their presentation? Don’t forget, events are long days, so clothing needs to be comfortable as well.

Read our full dress code guide to learn more.

Prepare your team

So, your team has been assembled, but what do you need them to do on stand? Preparation is key.

A pre-event briefing before the event is helpful to get everyone on track and tin line to work together to achieve objectives set. 

Read our pre-show briefing tips to find out more.

Motivating staff on stand

Events are long, hard work but let’s face it they are fun and rewarding too! Keeping your team motivated and focused is key.

This can be a demanding job - but a job made easy with our 5 sweet event motivation tips.

Event accommodation

You may be thinking:

"I don’t need to read this section. I'm not putting my staff up in a hotel before or during the event as it will save me money!"

This could be a false economy, so please reconsider.

Events are hard work - your event may be over a couple of days, with travel required to get there. It may only be an extra hour or two, but it soon adds up.

There are plenty of benefits of putting your staff up before an event including a more prepared and rejuvinated team ready to take the exhibition hall by storm.

Share your objectives

A team that knows the objectives of the exhibition are more likely to help work towards achieving them in the first place.

Share your objectives and targets of the event - you may even set a competition around them to help motivate your team.

How to behave on stand

This seems obvious to a veteran event attendee, but you will be surprised how simple mistakes can cost you big time!

It's not that hard... follow these 5 steps:

  1. Stand at the front of your display.
  2. Do not use your mobile.
  3. Do not eat or drink on stand.
  4. Do not sit down.
  5. Be nice!


Read our in-depth behaviour on stand tips.

Post show conflab

Some events are held over several days.

If your event does run over a couple of days and you are staying at the same hotel or eating together, it might be a good place to unwind and discuss informally:

  • How the day has gone
  • What has worked
  • What hasn’t worked
  • What you may do differently the next day/event
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