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What makes a good exhibition stand?

What makes a good exhibition stand?

It’s a common error to invest in an exhibition stand space without carefully thinking about what your exhibiting needs are.

For some, this can result in very busy looking stands, or stands that disrupt the flow of traffic.

Even if your sales team are the best in the world, your stand needs to be carefully designed to allow your amazing sales team to do what they do best.

So what do you need think about when it comes to creating a good exhibition stand? Read our six top tips below.

what makes a good exhibition

1. Know your objectives and set goals

Before you get going with the design of your exhibition stand, think about what you want to achieve.

Knowing exactly what you want to achieve will help guide the layout, design and everything to do with your stand. Here are two examples to explain how your objectives could impact the design:

Example 1:

If you are planning on launching a new product to an existing client base, then your design and layout should be focused around the theme of ‘new’. From an area to showcase your product to your design using ‘New’ wording – it gives existing clients a reason to come and see you again, to better forge the relationship and increase their lifetime value.

Example 2:

If you want to increase awareness and sales for your target demographic then your design will be focused on your unique selling points and urgency. You’ll be looking to make sure you have a designated area for lead taking/sales and have a clear journey planned for converting visitors to sales.

Once you know your objectives, set clear and realistic goals that help you and your team work toward reaching your exhibiting aims.

2.Tell people why they should visit

Exhibition halls can get very busy, so it’s important that your stand is fully branded with your logo clearly seen from afar.

In a glance, people need to know:

  • Who you are – with a logo
  • What you do – with a short strapline, or keywords
  • How you can help them – add a benefits driven statement tailored to your audience
  • Why they should come and see you today – give them a sense of urgency, will they get a special offer today only?

Keep wording to a minimum as your stand should tempt people in for your sales team to do the talking.

With this simple, four step messaging, you can be sure to attract the right visitors onto your exhibition stand.

3. Make good use of your space

With stand space, less is most definitely more!

Overcrowding with furniture will repel passers-by rather than encourage them to come over.

Getting this balance right could be the difference between your stand generating a positive and negative ROI, so think it through carefully.

Think about the amount of space you’ll need to interact with visitors.

Will you need a desk or counter area to take down their information as a lead?

Are you planning on meeting with existing clients for a prolonged period? If you are displaying lots of products, then you’ll also need to consider the amount of room you will need for clients to view or interact with these in addition to the space you’ll need to take leads and sales. Will your visitors need to be seated, will you need privacy?

You’ll also want to consider the flow of visitors on your stand – blocking key entrance points with tables or displays could stop people from talking to your staff.

4. Attract attention

Having a good exhibition stand isn’t just about the design or use of space. In a busy hall, once your stand has caught the eye of a passerby, you’ll have to find a way of enticing people on.

People want to feel a connection to a brand and one way is by appealing to more than just a couple of senses – read our sensory marketing cheat sheet if you want more tips on how to market to five senses.

Here’s a few ideas to get you started:

  • Using video to attract the eye of passersby and explain a complex product
  • Live product demonstrations
  • Tasters/try before you buy
  • Hands on games
  • Giveaways

5. Choose your giveaways carefully

Not all exhibitors will want to give away freebies, but they are a great reminder of your business if you get it right.
It may seem like a quick win to have a bowl of unbranded sweets, as a token gesture, but this won’t help with your brand awareness after the event and won’t help with your ROI.

Giveaways should be relevant and memorable. For example, sweets with your name on them, or longer term gifts such as branded mirrors, pens or stress balls.

If your giveaways are of higher value, consider only given away as a thank you to leads rather than to everybody – this will make sure that you aren’t a target for freebie hunters who aren’t interested in your business.

6. Don’t forget your biggest asset

Your stand staff are by far the most important element of your exhibition stand, but are often neglected when it comes to making sure they’re at their best.

After all, they are the part that talks to visitors and converts them into leads or sales and the difference between meeting your aims and not.

Before the event, make sure that everybody knows what you aim to achieve from the event and know their expectations.

From how they should act on stand, to what they should wear – it’s important to set clear expectations to boost performance.

Remember to set clear goals for everybody – you could even turn it into a healthy bit of competition with a small prize for those who meet and beat their goals.

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