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Luckily, finding good quality images that add creative flair to the story you are trying to tell your customers has also never been easier. Below are some of the best free image sources around to get you started:
A high quality collection of over 760,000 images, photographs and vectors that can be used anywhere, anytime, for any purpose. All of pixabay’s images are free of copyrights and can be modified and distributed royalty free, and with no attribution needed, even in commercial applications.
One of the largest collections of photographs on the internet, Flickr also allows you to save and share your own photos. When searching for images, you can filter by licence type needed for your own marketing purposes. Be sure to check the rights reserved on the actual images, and attribute accordingly when you use it, linking back to the original image where possible.
CC licences allow individuals and organisations to extend copyright permissions for their content to be used by others. You can search for content (including images) on their website, using all the main search engine tools. Be aware that there are 6 types of CC licences, so always check before using whether the license on an image is suitable for the use you intend it for.
Looking for something a little different? Public Domain Archive has a great collection of modern and vintage high resolution images, that is updated weekly. All are royalty-free and in the public domain, so can be modified, distributed and shared freely for any purpose, and without attribution.
So you have your photo, but you’d like to make it into an eye-catching poster, add words or an infographic? Look no further than Canva, a tool that allows even the most inexperienced user to create beautiful word-based images, posters and more. Great tutorials and how-to guides guide you through the process, and it even comes with its own stock of free photos.
Whatever images you choose, remember to always download them at the highest possible resolution to enable them to be used onscreen or in print without becoming fuzzy or distorted. If you are not sure what resolution is needed to create your beautiful new pop up banner or exhibition stand, just ask us for advice.